Studies show that between 60% and 90% of all visits to the doctor are for stress-related complaints
Stress at Work
Challenges and difficulties are inevitable throughout our working life, yet how we are able to meet these can make all the difference to our stress levels. Too little stress can cause low motivation and productivity, while too much can lead to these same symptoms. When stress is not managed well, it can be easily seen as
High absenteeism – stress effects us physiologically and psychologically – lowering the immune system’s functionality
Decreased morale – motivation and initiative begin to deplete
Lowered work quality – inability to focus and prioritise causes more mistakes
Conflicts and disputes – communications become more difficult when we unable to be emotionally balanced
In the short term these issues can be dealt with, however in the long term there can be lasting effects on health insurance premiums, product quality and overall workplace cohesiveness.
Courses for Private and Public Organisations
The Mindfulness course we teach is the only wellness, stress-reduction program to be consistently researched in the scientific community showing actual improvements in well-being.
As a result, many well-known companies are introducing mindfulness meditation to their staff including Google, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Deutsche Bank, Apple Computers, Pacific Bell, NASA, Yahoo, AOL, AstraZeneca. We currently run the course at the WHO in Geneva.
‘I was very impressed by Bianca’s flexibility and positive attitude to adapt the MBSR class to our business context and deal with sometimes difficult circumstances to bring the class to life.’ Cereal Partners Worldwide – Nestlé and General Mills
The Effect of Practicing Mindfulness
In essence, mindfulness practice enhances one’s ability to respond in a more healthy and effective way to difficulties, rather than simply reacting to them.
The mindfulness course we teach has been shown to be beneficial in various ways:
Increased ability to focus and prioritize
Improved creativity when solving problems
Reduced rumination on negative thoughts
Improved ability to identify and be present with emotions, rather than reacting out of habit
Reduced dependence on external factors for self-esteem
Ability to respond with awareness and empathy during conflicts
In particular, people who do this course develop an attitude of responsibility to their well-being and can find more creative ways in which to meet their needs.
Benefits for the Workplace
Increasingly the business world is noticing the findings studies by organisations such as the American Institute of Health, the University of Massachusetts, and the Mind/Body Medical Institute at Harvard University. These evidence-based studies have cited the following as specific benefits of meditation for businesses:
Reduced costs of staff absenteeism caused by illness, injury and stress
Improved productivity and overall staff and business wellbeing
Reduced staff turnover and associated costs
Enhanced employer/employee and client relationships
Reduced health insurance premiums for the business
A visible and tangible indicator of corporate responsibility
Enhanced employee job satisfaction.
Mindfulness at your Workplace?
Traditionally, the course is run for:
Nine sessions over eight weeks
Meeting once per week for two to two and half hours
Including one Saturday or Sunday for a seven hour “All Day” Practice Retreat
Twenty six hours in total
This can be adjusted according to the needs of the organization. For instance, a variation of the following is possible:
Between four and ten weeks with weekly two to three hour sessions